
(一) 营造新年气氛给Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU校舍的居民, 让在异乡的他们感到新年气氛。
(二) 促进Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU校舍居民之间的交流


时间:6.30 - 11.00 pm
地点:Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍
对象:Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍居民
人数:预约1000 人

新春大团拜是本次新春系列活动的一项大型造势活动。大团拜的主要目的是除了向Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍居民宣传及推广本次新春系列的活动,也希望以此活动拉近大家之间的友谊。大团拜将以分组方式进行,届时将把参与者分成各个小组,各小组将肩负着走访Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍各个楼层,各个单位的使命,务求把新春的浓厚气氛,带入Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍的每一个角落。活动也将会准备各种小游戏,在各个不同的Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍区域进行,借此向大家宣传新春系列活动及售卖晚会及晚宴的入门票及股本。大团拜务求做到广大的宣传效果,并且将向Cyberia SmartHome 和MMU 校舍大声宣布“新春到了!!”。

House-To-House Visitation
1. To create a Chinese New Year atmosphere within Cyberia residents especially for those who are away from their hometown.
2. To encourage the interaction between different races of Cyberia residents.

Promote the 12th Chinese New Year Extravaganza events.

Event Description:

Date: 5th February 2009
Time: 6.30 pm - 11.00 pm
Venue: Cyberia
Target: Cyberia Residents
No. of participants: 1000 people

The promotional event of the 12th Chinese New Year Extravaganza will be the House-To-House Visitation in Cyberia. Residents of Cyberia will be the main target in promoting our coming events, as this will also bring the warmth of Chinese New Year spirit to all of them. In conjunction to this activity, there will also be some interactive games so the residents will be notified about this visitation. The residents are also encouraged to join in the visiting group to create better disseminations of Chinese New Year spirit. Through this promotional event, we hope to deepen the residents’ impression towards the 12th Chinese New Year Extravaganza; and to attract them to participate enthusiastically in The Banquet and Lantern Night.




时间:6.30 – 12.00 pm
对象:MMU 大专生
人数:预约500 人

本次的新春缘游会,顾名思义,当晚的场地布置主题将以“缘”为主,故此将有情人桥及缘分游戏等。此外,活动场地内估计将会以各式各样绚彩夺目又色彩缤纷的花灯为点缀,并也将会加入例如盆景水池,“灯”树等的各式各样的院校元素以求达到更眩目的装饰效果。 除此之外,场地内也不会少了各式各样的小游戏例如猜灯谜等等。以及,会场内也将会有各种各样的新春小食的摊位,以便参与者能在逛灯会享乐之余,也能品尝及体会到各种新春小食的风味。 “美灯入眼帘,美食入口中”,缘游会势必会让所有参与者有“乐而忘时,乐而忘返”的感觉。

Fate Fair

To provide an opportunity for the participants in understanding the Chinese traditions and arts while enjoying the festival of lantern.

To enable the participants to feel and enjoy the Chinese’s Lantern Night.

Event Description
Date: 17th February 2009
Time: 6.30 pm - 12.00 am
Venue: Misri Plaza
Target: MMU student
No. Of participants: 500people

The Fate Fair will be base on the ‘fate’ concept, which falls on the 15th day of Chinese New Year celebration and we will have ‘Lover’s Bridge’ .The venue will be decorated with various lantern, the man-made tree and pond to create the atmospheric scenes of Chinese lantern festival in the olden days. The night will be full of interesting activities including games, various Chinese traditional foods and drinks, lantern-riddles and so on. Among all the games, ‘throwing oranges’ which is a legend will be our main focus on that night. The target participants will be 500 persons. The participants will sure to be delighted throughout the night with all the fun games and delicious foods.


(一) 通过晚宴带出春节的渊源。
(二) 让参与者了解及认识新春及中华文化的习俗。

(一) 购票者人数高达350人。
(二)让出席者进一步认识与了解春节的原由,并享受佳 肴。

时间:7.00 – 11.00 pm
地点:Grand Hall

晚宴将注重于各式各样新春的舞台表演与节目,例如传统文化表演、音乐表演、春节歌舞剧、服装秀及幸运抽奖, 借此机会让参与者对新春及中华文化有更深一层的了解与认识。晚宴也务求参与者在享受精湛的舞台表演同时,也能享用丰盛的新春佳肴,从而达到视觉与味蕾的双重享受。

Banquet Night

1. To introduce the Chinese New Year delicacies to all participants while letting them feel the warmness of having a ‘family’ reunion dinner.
2. To let the participants understand and knowledgeable regarding the Chinese culture and custom presented.

Attain the ticket sales of 350 persons.

Event Description
Date: 12th February 2009
Time: 7.00 pm - 11.00 pm
Venue: Grand Hall
Target: All students of Multimedia University
No. of participants: 350people

The Banquet Night will focus on all kinds of Chinese New Year performances and programs, including the traditional culture performance, opera, music performance, fashion show and lucky draw. Besides that, the participants will also have a deeper understanding in Chinese New Year culture and its legend. The Banquet night will ensure that the participants can enjoy the exquisite stage performance while having a feast of the sumptuous Chinese New Year delicacies, thus providing the utmost indulgence in both taste and sight.




Logo and Description

The design of the logo for the 12th CNYE is based on the picture of an Ox, which signifies the Year 2009 as the Year of the Ox in the Lunar Calendar. With a slight smile and a wink on its face, it represents the Chinese New Year celebration which is celebrated in full happiness and delight. The body of the Ox depicts the Chinese character of “12 Xin Chun”, which bears the meaning of the 12th Chinese New Year Extravaganza (12th CNYE) that reaches its 12th significant years in Multimedia University; and this also brings the message that the whole committee of this 12th CNYE will work hand in hand to make this event a success. The tail of the Ox comprises a unique heart-shaped design, representing the whole committee of the 12th CNYE as a big family filled with lots of love, care, and kindness; with all these, each and everyone in the committee will definitely strive for the best of 12th CNYE.